Thursday, December 17, 2015

Words of the Day Test, Fall 2015

Writing 1, Fall 2015 Name:  _______________________________

Word of the Day -- Final Test

A.     Match the words from the Words of the Day list with its synonyms.

Garret                    Parody
Chapeau                Garbage
Vindaloo                Peas
Macho                   Curry
Detritus                  Genie
Charade                 Manly
Mange-tout                        Hat
Medico                  Attic
Jinny                      Physician

B.      Circle the correct answer to complete the sentence

1.       I think I might add some ruche to my
a.       spaghetti
b.      sleeves
c.       car engine
d.      a playground

2.       The tall Egyptian was
a.       eating a jellaba
b.      wearing a jellaba
c.       growing a jellaba
d.      singing a jellaba

3.       The man’s caustic reply made me feel
a.       hungry
b.      sleepy
c.       hurt
d.      bored

4.      A restaurateur would
a.       serve good food to his customers
b.      do winter gardening
c.       take the law into his own hands
d.      play the harp in church

5.      A comprehensive view of the world is a
a.       clairvoyant
b.      harbinger
c.       weltanschauung
d.      lollapalooza

6.      Felicity Foote, the dance teacher, was teased because of her
a.       shop’s location
b.      choice of cars
c.       next door neighbors
d.      aptronym

7.      The professional contralto was paid by
a.       the opera company
b.      the police department
c.       a veterinarian
d.      the bakery

8.      The retired professor was given the title
a.       eclectic
b.      emeritus
c.       pious
d.      extemporaneous

C.    Fill in the blank with the missing words of the sentence.

1.       A novice or beginner might be referred to as a  ____________________.
2.      That the world would end January 1 was an _________________ of the young man’s.
3.      A  _______________________ flowed gently beside the river.
4.      The General’s coffin was place on an ornate  _________________.
5.      The _____________________ was painted on the walls of the villa.
6.      They chose him as _________________________, the intermediary between the ruler and the people
catafalque        fresco              tyro                  idee fixe                      billabong          internuncio

D.     True or False

________  1.  The lumpenproletariat invest money in diamonds.
________  2.  A jojoba is a small shrub whose seeds are used to make lotion.
________  3.  An icon is used to fix car engines.
________  4.  The misanthropic man was known for giving money and helping others.
________  5.  The happy, enthusiastic crowd cheered with great elan.

E.      Match the words with their roots and meaning.

Ich dien                        Latin, “Things not words”       
Dixit                            Greek, “stranger” and “fear”
Xenophobia                  Indo-Portuguese, “Wine of garlic”
Res non verba              German, “I serve”
Res publica                  Arabic, “Demon”
Vindaloo                      Latin, “He himself said”
Jinni                             Latin, “Thing of the public”

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