Thursday, March 24, 2022

Writing 1 Class Notes -- Week 10 (March 31)


Another great day!!

Here are our prompts for the Quick Writes:
Prompt #1
On March 24, 1603, Elizabeth I died and King James I was crowned the King of England, and on March 25, 1306, Robert the Bruce was crowned King of Scotland.  How much do you know about the history and rule of other countries?  Is this important knowledge for us to have?  Why?

Prompt #2
On March 26, 1874, American poet Robert Frost, much admired for his depictions of rural New England life and his realistic verse portraying ordinary people, was born in San Francisco.  What are your thoughts about poetry?  Do you like to read it and do you think it’s an important part of our culture?

Prompt #3
Next Week is National Cleaning Week.  How would you describe your cleaning style?  Do you do fall or spring cleaning at your house?  Write about anything cleaning-related.

Our Words of the Day from Grace, Megan, Chase, and Ike
anatadaephobia--  the fear that somehow, somewhere, a duck is watching you
cachinnate-- to laugh loudly
venustraphobia-- the fear of beautiful women
boanthropy -- a type of insanity in which people think they are cows

We had a brief check in on their News Stories; the rough drafts are due on March 31.  Some students have given this some thought, and others have waited until next week to work on it.  I reminded them that they could do a news article on a current event, a past event, or even a fictional event.  They could also do a review of some kind.

We had a discussion about our short story "The Ransom of Red Chief" this week.  We agreed that the story was both funny (a boy so bad and mischievous that his family didn't want him back from the kidnappers) and sad (for the same reason).

We are finished with our Short Stories and are now onto Poetry.  To kick off our poetry unit, we played the game Poetry for Neanderthals.  In this game, students give one-word, one-syllable  clues to get their teammates to guess a word.  If they use multi-syllabic words, they get bonked on the head with an inflated club.  (We hit the table instead of one another.)

Class -- please note this next information -- it was not discussed in class
After the students read all of the poems, they are to choose 2 poems to respond to.  They need to respond to 2 poems, and here are their options:
1.  Fill out a Poetry Worksheet for one or both
2.  Write a paragraph about the poem(s) that analyzes the poem; discuss what you think it means and why you like or don't like it.
3.  Instead of writing a paragraph, record a video commentary about the poem.  Youtube LiveStream or some other app on a device is OK as long as it can be seen by me.
4.  Do a piece of art that connects with the content and meaning of the poem.  
5.  Make a video of your recitation of the poem.

Finally, for our Grammar portion of the class, I gave some worksheets for continued practice in identifying sentence elements for the various sentence patterns that have been covered this semester.  

Assignments for Week 11 (April 15)

Links for this Week:  
Writing 1 Class Notes -- Week 10 (March 24)

Tamera M. Prichard

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