Friday, October 6, 2017

Example/Illustration Essay

In an Example or Illustration Essay, the writer uses examples or illustrations to develop a general idea or prove a general statement.  While the general idea may be abstract, intangible, or theoretical, the examples and illustrations should be specific and concrete.  To clarify, an illustration is an extended, developed example.
            Examples help readers understand and see more clearly abstract ideas or unfamiliar situations.  Illustrations paint an even more detailed picture.  Examples are also more memorable.

Organization of an Example/Illustration Essay
Example/ Illustration Essays begin with the general or abstract idea, which is then explained and supported using individual examples.  Each paragraph should be a specific example or illustration that explains, describes, or clarifies your main idea.  You may choose to use several short examples or one long illustration.  (Note:  Parables are illustrations of spiritual principles.)

Thesis Statements
The thesis statement is the general statement that the examples or illustration are intended to support or illustrate.  For example, the thesis “My father is a generous man” would lead the writer to give specific details about specific instances of generosity.

Tips on Writing
Decide on the general statement or idea you would like to support or illustrate; formulate a tentative thesis or main idea statement.
Decide whether you will use several short examples or one (or more) longer illustrations.
If using several examples, determine which order will be most effective (chronological or by importance).  Making a list helps.
If using one or more longer illustrations, give as much detail as possible.
Avoid giving disconnected examples that do not tie directly into your thesis.

Essay Guidelines
Due dates:  Pre-Write is due October 12; Rough Draft due October 26; Final Draft due November 9
Essay length:  400 - 700 words (1 – 2 pages)
Rough drafts can be typed or hand-written, but must be double-spaced.
Final draft format:
Typed (if this is not possible, please let me know)
1 inch margins
Name and date on the upper right hand corner
Number the pages on the lower right hand corner
Title centered above the text of the essay

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