Thursday, August 3, 2017

Welcome to Writing 1, 2017

Greetings Parents!

Registrations have been coming in, and Kim Nelson has sent out updated class rosters to the tutors.  I'm excited to see this class fill up.  For those who are new to my classes, I will use e-mails and this blog, Writing 1, to keep parents and students informed and connected.  If you are curious about the class, feel free to peruse past blog posts, especially the Weekly Class Notes.

The students will be reading Animal Farm (Orwell) and A Christmas Carol (Dickens) this semester.  I will buy these books for the students.  I order almost all of my books from Dover Publications because they are so inexpensive.  Dover doesn't carry Animal Farm, so I get used copies at book sales, Half-Price Books, etc.  If you have a copy of Animal Farm that you would like to use, let me know.

The only items your student needs to bring to class, along with some paper and a pen/pencil, is a notebook or folder to keep track of assignments, handouts, worksheets, and class notes.  In the past, I've used Dropbox as storage for handouts for the class.  This year I am using Google Docs.  Shortly, you will receive an invitation to join the shared Google Docs folder with all of the study guides, handouts, worksheets, etc.

I use My GradeBook, an online grade book, for keeping track of assignments and grades.  You will be getting a link to that account, also. 

I'm looking forward to a new group of students and starting a fresh year of writing.  If your student has an email that I can use for the class, please send that to me.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Please let me know that you received this e-mail; you can simply hit "reply" and "send."  Also, if your student has a separate e-mail that he/she would like me to use, please send that to me.

Looking forward to the Fall classes!
Tammy Prichard

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