Saturday, December 17, 2016

Writing 1 Class Notes -- Week 15 (December 15)


We've done it!  We've successfully finished another semester!  This has been a great class, and the students have worked hard reading and writing.

Our Quick Write today was more of a Quick Draw.  I asked students to draw an Ugly Christmas Sweater, and those who were willing entered those into a class "contest."  They were quite creative!  I'll attach the handout in case any moms or dads want to design a sweater.

We did not have a Word of the Day today because we had a Word of the Day TEST.  It wasn't very hard if the students were familiar with most of the words.  We corrected it in class, and they did a good job.

Students handed in their Final Drafts of their History/Biography Essays (along with the rough drafts, of course).  I had also sent out an e-mail asking them to bring in any old, late assignments.  (More about this later.)

Finally, we played a game called "Bowls."  I pre-selected some Christmas/Winter-related words and put them in a bag.  Students had to get their teammates to guess the words (like Catch-Phrase).  For the second round, they had to get their teammates to guess the words using only actions (like Charades).  I'm afraid that we ran out of time, but for the final round, they would have tried to get their teammates to guess the words using only one word as a clue.  Here's a link to a variation of this game.

For the most part, students are "Homework Free" for the Christmas break.  As soon as I get the final papers graded and the test scores entered, I will be sending out grades.  I'm using a new, online grade book this year that is not as easy to use as my old one, so I'm still figuring out the best way to send those scores.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  

We've had a great semester, and I'm looking forward to seeing this amazing group of students in January!
(By the way, remember that if you are planning on taking the Spring semester of this class, you need to register with Kim Nelson.  Even though it's a year long class, you register a semester at a time.)

Have a very blessed Christmas!
Mrs. Prichard

Links for this Week:
Class Notes
Ugly Sweater Contest

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