Friday, May 13, 2016

Writing 1 Class Notes -- Week 15 (May 12)


We've done it!  We've reached the end of the CHAT school year successfully.  I know that these great students learned a lot -- just compare their first essays with their final ones!

For the first time all year, we did not start the class with a Quick Write.  Don't worry, we did pray, though.  I was concerned that we might run out of time for our other activities.  They've been such good sports all year long writing about whatever prompt that I give them.  They have also bee great about sharing their thoughts with the rest of the class.

I handed back the last of the homework in my folder and collected  the Final Writing Exam and the Reflection Papers.  I appreciate the thoughts that they shared in their reflections about Writing 1.  I've tucked away a few good ideas for next year.  Unless I hear from a student, I will not send back these assignments.

And then it was time for our Poetry Jam.  We finished Round One and proceeded to the Play-Offs.  The Anti-Poetry League and the Pink Scriveners competed while the Team 'Murica served as our illustrious judges.  They all did a marvelous job -- even those who really dislike poetry.  In the end, the Pink Scriveners (Tadashi, Eden, Brady, and William) had a score of 7.811 that beat out the Anti-Poetry League (Brady, Samuel, Isabelle, and Jack) score of 7.458.  Thank you Team 'Murica (Greta, Jeremiah, and Jonathan) for judging!

Finally, we had our Final Exam for the class that looked a lot like a Jeopardy game.  The class was divided into 3 teams and answered questions from the following categories:  Grammar Terms, Writing Terms, Animal Farm, Jekyll Hyde, and Other Literature.  (You can go here and see the game.)  They did pretty well and had some fun in the process.  Every year I hit up the huge Northfield Hospital Auxiliary Book Sale and pick up books to use as prizes, so it looks a little bit like Christmas on this last day of class.

I'm pretty proud of these kids.  They've written well, engaged well in class discussions, worked hard on homework, and been generally great all-around kids.  We had a marvelous year reading and writing!

I have a few late bits and pieces of homework that have come in from students.  (If anyone has anything they haven't handed in, please get it in by next Thursday.)  Once those have been graded and I have everything entered in Engrade, I will get the grades sent out.  My goal is to have them done by next Thursday.

Assignments for Next Week:

This week's links:
Class Notes

Have a great summer!
Mrs. Prichard

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