Saturday, March 1, 2014

Writing 1 Class Notes -- Week 7 (February 27)


From the comments coming from students, they are able to make the most of this cold weather by snowboarding, skiing, etc.  I keep reminding them to be safe out on the slopes.

Our Quick Write this week was "Follow Shakespeare's Example."  I read a quote the other day that whenever Shakespeare couldn't find the right word, he would make one up.  I wanted the students to either make up new words that they thought should be a part of our vocabulary OR share their favorite word.  Taking comments from the class, they had a lot of words to share.  

Our Words of the Day were:
rinforzando -- Italian -- a sudden crescendo or increase in volume
balalaika -- Russian -- a three-stringed, triangular shaped instrument similar to a guitar
chapati -- Hindhi -- a round, flatbread
laus Deo -- Latin -- praise be to God

We've started our new book of short stories by O. Henry.  The first one is a very well-known Christmas story, "The Gift of the Magi" in which a couple is willing to sacrifice their most treasured possessions in order to buy gifts.  The second story, "After Twenty Years," is an intriguing story about two boyhood friends who run into each other twenty years after their teenage years.

For next week, we will read two more stories,  Instead of filling out the charts that we've used for the past two weeks, I would like the students to come to class with 2 discussion/ critical thinking questions for each story.  As we discussed in class, these should be questions that do not require simple, one-word answers.  These are questions that could have multiple answers; they usually ask "how" or "why" as opposed to "what" or "when" or "who."

For the remainder of the class, the students worked in groups to edit some sample sentences.  One of the hardest activities for young writers to do is to edit their own works.  Any easy way to orient their thinking towards re-writing and revising is by working through someone else's sentences.

I have their Character/Theme Rough Drafts and will hand them back next week.  No writing assignments for the week.

One note about classtime:
I used a seating chart again this week, and I'll probably do it for the rest of the year.  While this is a great class that interacts well in the discussions and in small groups, at times they get too talkative between themselves and it's distracting for the rest of the class.  Please keep that in mind when you come to class.

Assignments for Next Week:
-- Read "Makes the Whole World Kin" (p. 85); "The Furnished Room" (p. 23)
-- Find 4 vocabulary words for each story
-- Write 2 Discussion Questions for each story
-- no grammar or other writing

This week's blog & links:
Class Notes

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

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