Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Writing an Editorial

An editorial is a short persuasive essay which contains the writer's opinion or reaction to a timely news story or event.  Its primary purpose is to influence readers to think or act the same way the writer does.

An editorial (persuasive essay) also:
-- Informs:  Sometimes the topic requires careful explanations because it is a complicated issue.
-- Promotes:  An editorial can promote the value of a worthy activity or involvement in that activity.
-- Praises:  The aim of some editorials is to commend or praise individuals or events because of their impact.
-- Entertains:  Some editorials simply encourage their readers and aim to lift the mood of the readers.

Choose a timely topic for your editorial, and make sure that it is a subject that is of real interest to you and to your readers.  One way to start is with a clear statement of what you are trying to prove in your writing.  Put this statement in positive terms.  For example: "The food in the cafeteria should be well-balanced and healthy." NOT "The food in the cafeteria is not healthy."  The essay could also begin with a unique statement or quote.

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