Friday, August 30, 2019

Parts of Speech Pre-Test

In the list of words below, circle the nouns and cross out the verbs.  Do nothing to the words that are neither nouns nor verbs.


In the sentences below, circle the adjectives.  Underline the adverbs.
1.    The silly, little girl danced wildly yesterday at the birthday party.
2.    My older brother generously loaned me fifty dollars from his very scanty rainy day fund.
3.    Tomorrow I will carefully bake that complicated recipe for my mother’s favorite dessert.

In the sentences below, underline the pronouns.
1.    Bob, your father wants you to call him.
2.    The beautiful concert brought the crowd to its feet.
3.    Jane has her own ideas, but her family doesn’t agree with them.

Put parentheses around each of the prepositional phrases:
1.    For many years, there had been groups of campers in the fields near the river.
2.    All of the trees at the farm died during the winter.
3.    After the game, the crowd of noisy fans cheered with a loud shout.

 Underline the conjunctions in the sentences below.
1.    Although we weren’t hungry, we ate a whole pizza and drank all the soda.
2.    The teacher asked many hard and confusing questions, yet we could answer them all.
3.    Neither the cat nor the dog obeys our commands, but we still love them.

Underline the interjections in the following sentences:
1.    Well, I don’t think so.
2.    Marvelous! You have done an incredible job.
3.    Oh no.  This is terrible.

Fill in the blanks for the following definitions:
1.    A _____________________    is a word or words used to join other words, phrases, or clauses.
2.    An ______________________   is a word or group of words expressing emotion or feeling, however slight.  Also, this part of speech doesn’t fit into any of the other categories of the parts of speech.
3.    A _________________________ links nounspronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.
4.    An __________________________can modify a verb, an adjective, an adverb, a phrase, or a clause. It  indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answers questions such as "how," "when," "where," "how much".
5.    An __________________________ modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words.

6.    A ___________________________ can replace a noun or another pronoun. 

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