Thursday, November 30, 2017

Words of the Day, Fall 2017

Week 1
These words were those "thingamajig" and "whatchamacallit" kinds of words.
ferrule:  the cap at the end of the staff of an umbrella
pintle:  the verticl pin inserted in a hinge
aglet:  the plastic end of a shoe lace
opisthenar:  the back of the hand

Week 2
RSVP – French, "Répondez s'il vous plaît" -- Please respond; a request for a response to an invitation
déjà vu – French, "already seen" -- the feeling that a situation has already occurred
du jour – French, "of the day" -- used to describe something that is being served on the day or of a current interest
faux pas – French, "false step" -- a slip or slight blunder
bon voyage – French, "good travels" -- an expression used to express good wishes on a journey

Week 3
alma mater -- Latin, "nourishing mother" -- refers to the high school or college from which you graduated
cum laude -- Latin, "with praise" -- a distinction when graduating that refers to a certain grade point average.  Similarly, magna cum laude means "with great praise" and summa cum laude means "with highest praise."
femme fatale -- French, "a dangerous woman" -- a stock character in film noir, in modern film or novels, this is an attractive woman who leads others into dangerous situations
esprit de corps -- French, "the spirit of the body" -- a feeling of pride or fellowship with a certain group of people.

Week 4
verbatim – fr. Latin, verbum, "word" -- to repeat something word for word
E pluribus unum -- Latin, "out of many, one" -- the motto for the US, recognizing the melting pot and diversity that constitutes our country
prima donna -- Latin/Italian, "first lady" -- traditionally the leading female singer in an opera, but also a temperamental and demanding celebrity
avant-garde -- French, "advance guard" -- art, architecture, music, fashion that is cutting edge, experimental, or innovative
Week 5
status quo – Latin, "the state in which" -- refers to the existing state of affairs or condition
joie de vivre – French, "joy of life" -- an exuberant joyfulness in living
carte blanche – French, "blank check" -- complete freedom to act as one wishes, unrestrained power
caveat emptor – Latin, "Let the buyer beware" -- refers to the buyer's responsibility to check the quality of the goods before purchasing

Week 6
Below are the Words of the Day, taken from my foreign words and phrases book:
cappuccino -- fr. Italian, Capuchin, an order of monks who wore light brown habits -- a coffee drink made from espresso, steamed milk, and foam
carabiner -- fr. German, Karabinerhaken, carbine hook -- a metal ring with a spring catch used by mountain climbers
carafe -- fr. Arabic, gharrafah, a drinking vessel -- a wide-mouthed glass or metal bottle for serving beverages
carousel -- fr. French, carrousel, a knight's tournament -- a rotating platform carnival ride with horses as seats.
    Note:  Some may be interested in this bit of trivia  -- a carousel can only have horses, while a merry-go-round can use other animals for the seats of the ride.

Week 7
c'est la vie – French, "that is life" -- an expression that refers to the fact that all kinds of stuff happens in life.  Some students once suggested that "Whatever" might be a comparable English expression
bona fide – Latin, "in good faith" -- refers to something that is true or verifiable
savior faire – French, "know how to do" -- a quality of accomplishment, polish, tact, or sophistication
enfant terrible – French, "a terrible child" -- can refer to a misbehaving child or to a person who intentionally tries to shock others
je ne sais quoi – French, "I do not know what" -- a quality that can not be easily described, something inexpressible

Week 8
Our Words of the Day came from my book of foreign words and phrases:
chapeau -- fr. French, chapeau, "hat" -- fr. Latin cappellum, "cap" -- a hat or cap
charade -- fr. French, charra, "chatter" -- an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.
charisma -- fr. Greek, kharis, gift, favor, grace

Week 9
idee fixe -- fr. French, "fixed idea" -- an obsession or set ideas
id est -- fr. Latin, “that is” – the abbreviation, i.e., means that a further explanation is following.
icon -- fr. Greek, eikon, "likeness" -- a pictorial representation of a religious image; a painting or statue evoking reverence
exemplar gratia – fr. Latin, “for the sake of example” – the abbreviation, e.g., means that an example to illustrate a point is following.

Week 10
Our Words of the Day were ghost words.  In 1886, a lexicographer named Walter Skeat first used the phrase "ghost words" to describe words that he said had "no real existence."  Ghost words are words that weren't real to begin with -- they came about because of an error or misunderstanding -- but they made it into the dictionary anyway.
gravy – fr. the French, "graine" -- became a word when a 14th century misread a French cookbook and substituted a "v" for an "n"
tweed – fr. the Scottish word "tweel," which is a type of wool and from which we got the word "twill."  Some think the word was misheard as the Tweed River.
Dord -- the original dictionary was supposed to be "D or d" (capital "d" or lowercase "d") as an abbreviation for density in physics or chemistry.  Whoever worked for the dictionary misread it as a word spelled d-o-r-d.  It entered the dictionary in 1934 and was taken out in 1947.
esquivalience -- This is not a real word at all but was invented by an editor at the New Oxford American Dictionary and was included in the 2001 edition to help the company track copyright violators who were lifting entries from the dictionary.

Week 11
enchilada -- fr. Spanish, enchilado, "seasoned with chili" -- a tortilla rolled and filled with a seasoned mixture and covered with a sauce flavored with chili. 
encore -- fr. French, encore, "once again" -- a repeat or extra performance in response to the demands of an audience
en garde -- fr. French, en garde, "watch out, beware" -- an interjection used by fencers at the beginning of a match
enigma -- fr Greek, ainigma, riddles or fable -- a puzzle or mystery
ennui -- French, enui, -- "annoyance, disturbance" -- a feeling of utter weariness, boredom, or tedium

Week 12
chaconne -- fr. French,  a dance -- a musical piece characterized by a continuous variation, a triple (waltz) meter, and a strong repeating bass line
blep -- origin unknown -- the act of a cat sticking its tongue out slightly without realizing it (not in any recognized dictionaries, but in Urban Dictionary)
poobah -- fr. Poo-Bah, a comic character in The Mikado -- a pompous, self-important person
lollygag – mid-19th century, unknown origin -- to dawdle or dilly dally

Student  contributions:
petrichor -- a pleasant smell after it rains
klazomaniac -- a person who can only speak by shouting
zounderkite -- a Victorian word meaning "idiot"
scobblelotcher -- someone who avoids work

Week 13
elan -- fr. French elan -- enthusiasm, zest, spirit
lumpenproletariat --fr, German, "rags," fr. French "working class" -- a term adopted by Karl Marx, this refers to the poor, working class.
vindaloo -- Indo-Portuguese, vinha d'alho "wine of garlic" -- a spicy, Indian curry

Writing 1 Class Notes -- Week 13 (November 30)


We had a full day in class today.  We're nearing the end of the semester, so some of our units are wrapping up.  Just two more weeks and then Christmas break.

Our Quick Write prompt had three options.  Nov. 29, 1832 was Louisa May Alcott's birthday; Nov. 30, 1835 was Mark Twain's birthday, and Dec. 1, 1955 was the day Rosa Parks didn't give up her bus seat in Montgomery, Alabama.  Students could write about their favorite author, the funniest author, or something they would do as a statement in support of a cause.

Our final Words of the Day:
elan -- fr. French elan -- enthusiasm, zest, spirit
lumpenproletariot -- fr. German, "rags" and fr. French "working class" -- a term adopted by Karl Marx that refers to the poor, working class.
vindaloo -- Indo-Portuguese, vinha d'alho "wine of garlic" -- a spicy, Indian curry

I gave the students a handout with all of our Words of the Day and the definitions so that they can be prepared for our Words of the Day test next week.  The test will not be very hard, but they should review the words.  Quizzing one another or having someone to review with might help.  

We are almost finished with A Christmas Carol.  Since we were focusing on words, I quizzed the class on the vocabulary words for Stave Four.  Next week we will discuss the end of the book.

They handed in their Biography or History Rough Drafts. I will get them back to them next week, and they are due the final week of class.  Any other missing homework is due on that last week.

Next week we will also have our Parts of Speech test.  Students have a review packet and a set of review worksheets.  With some sample sentences, we practiced identifying the part of speech for each word.  I mentioned to the class that if there is a particular part of speech that they are having trouble with, they could do some reviewing of their own by googling it.  YouTube has some excellent videos that explain just about everything. (I have included some helpful links at the bottom of this e-mail.)

Assignments for Next Week:
-- Read Stave Five
-- 2 Questions; NO Vocabulary
-- Study for the Words of the Day Test
-- Study for the Parts of Speech Test

Links for this Week:
Class Notes

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Writing 1 Class Notes -- Week 12 (November 16)


We had a good class today, as always.  Our Quick Write this week was prompted by the fact that today is Give to the Max Day, which is a day set apart for online fundraising for many non-profits.  The writing assignment was to pretend that they had $5000 that they had to give away.  Feed My Starving Children in addition to some personal interests.  Wouldn't it be fun to have unlimited funds to use to help others out?

Our Words of the Day:
chaconne -- fr. French,  a dance -- a musical piece characterized by a continuous variation, a triple (waltz) meter, and a strong repeating bass line
blep -- origin unknown -- the act of a cat sticking its tongue out slightly without realizing it (not in any recognized dictionaries, but in Urban Dictionary)
poobah -- fr. Poo-Bah, a comic character in The Mikado -- a pompous, self-important person
lollygag -- mid 19th century, unknown origin -- to dawdle or dilly dally

Students have started bringing in interesting words.  Here are today's contributions:
petrichor -- a pleasant smell after it rains
klazomaniac -- a person who can only speak by shouting
zounderkite -- a Victorian word meaning "idiot"
scobblelotcher -- someone who avoids work

I checked in with the class regarding their History/Biography Essays, and many of them shared their topics with us.  When we return after Thanksgiving break, they will hand in the Pre-Writes and the Rough Drafts.

We had our final Parts of Speech presentation this week with Ani, Jack, and Ethan sharing a video about Interjections and leading us in a game that combined interjections with various emotions.  I've been really please with the work that the students have done with these projects.  It can be hard to work in a group with people that you don't see very often, but they've done a great job!

We're reading A Christmas Carol, which is one of my favorite books and my favorite Christmas literature, so I showed them a short section of my favorite version -- A Muppets Christmas Carol.  We watched the section when Scrooge's night is interrupted by the Marley brothers.  I followed this up with a quick recap with the class about the events thus far and read the first paragraphs of the stave with the ghost of Christmas present.  This really is a delightful book, and I think it's best read aloud.

Assignments for November 30 (After our Thanksgiving Break)
-- Read Stave Four
-- 2 Study Guide Questions
-- 4 Vocabulary Words
-- Interjections Homework
-- History/Biography Rough Draft

Links for This Week
Class Notes

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Prichard

Friday, November 10, 2017

Writing 1 Class Notes -- Week 11 (November 9)


We had a good, full day in class this week.  The class is doing a great job engaging in topics and growing as students.

Our Quick Write today was in honor of Veteran's Day, which is November 11.  Many students have close family members who have served or are serving in some branch of the military.  They could write about them or they could write about how they see themselves serving or making a sacrifice for our country or for our world.

These were the Words of the Day:
enchilada -- fr. Spanish, enchilado, "seasoned with chili" -- a tortilla rolled and filled with a seasoned mixture and covered with a sauce flavored with chili.  (Most members of the class seemed to think that their moms made the best enchiladas!)
encore -- fr. French, encore, "once again" -- a repeat or extra performance in response to the demands of an audience
en garde -- fr. French, en garde, "watch out, beware" -- an interjection used by fencers at the beginning of a match
enigma -- fr Greek, ainigma, riddles or fable -- a puzzle or mystery (We talked briefly about the enigma machine used most notably by the Nazis in WW2.)
ennui -- fr. French, enui, "annoyance, disturbance" -- a feeling of utter weariness, boredom, or tedium

Students have handed in the Final Drafts of their Examples/Illustration Essays, so it is time for the next writing assignment.  For this, they can choose between a Biography Essay or a History Essay.  We talked for a bit about the importance of having a thesis for this essay so that it is not just a report.  In other words, they must not only pick an event, time period, or person, but they also need to explain the importance or significance of their chosen topic.  This next week they should be working on any pre-writing that this assignment requires; this includes any necessary research in addition to the outline or mind map that they will hand in with the rough drafts.

We had two good parts of speech presentations this week.  Michael, Stevan, and Josh provided a video, game, and homework about Verbs.  Ana, Morgan, and Samantha gave us a slide presentation, another game, and homework for Prepositions.  Both groups did a great job.  We are nearing the end of our presentations; next week we will have the final one on Interjections.

Assignments for Next Week:
-- Read Stave 3
-- Answer 3 Study Guide questions and define 4 Vocabulary Words
-- Verbs Homework
-- Prepositions Homework
-- History/Biography Pre-Write

Links for this Week
Class Notes

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Prichard

Verbs Video

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Writing 1 Class Notes -- Week 10 (November 2)


Again, my apologies for the very late e-mail last week. This week, the class notes are first on my list instead of my pile of rough drafts from the class.

Our Quick Write this week was prompted by the fact that November 3 is National Sandwich Day.  I asked students to write about their favorite sandwiches; they could write a description, an advertisement, or an explanation about the importance of sandwiches.  We had a discussion about whether wraps or hamburgers qualified as sandwiches.

Our Words of the Day were ghost words.  In 1886, a lexicographer named Walter Skeat first used the phrase "ghost words" to describe words that he said had "no real existence."  Ghost words are words that weren't real to begin with -- they came about because of an error or misunderstanding -- but they made it into the dictionary anyway.
gravy -- from the French, "graine" -- became a word when a 14th century misread a French cookbook and substituted a "v" for an "n"
tweed -- from the Scottish word "tweel," which is a type of wool and from which we got the word "twill."  Some think the word was misheard as the Tweed River.
Dord -- the original dictionary was supposed to be "D or d" (capital "d" or lowercase "d") as an abbreviation for density in physics or chemistry.  Whoever worked for the dictionary misread it as a word spelled d-o-r-d.  It entered the dictionary in 1934 and was taken out in 1947.
esquivalience -- This is not a real words at all but was invented by an editor at the New Oxford American Dictionary and was included in the 2001 edition to help the company track copyright violators who were lifting entries from the dictionary.

We went over the returned rough drafts of the Examples/Illustration Essays.  The students have started a page in their notebooks titled "Watch Out For."  When I write notes on their rough drafts, I often have a section with that heading and list common errors or patterns that I see in their rough drafts.  I would like them to keep track of these and to use them to guide their writing throughout the year.  We discussed at length the writing of introductions and conclusions.  The final drafts are due next week.  

Following the our writing discussion, the Adverbs crew, Aidan and Joseph, gave a good presentation to the class.  The excellent PowerPoint that explained various aspects of this part of speech is attached to this e-mail.  The class was led in a charades kind of game with verbs and adverbs, and they were given homework to do for next week.

Assignments for Next Week:
-- Read Stave Two
-- Answer 3 Questions from the Study Guide
-- Define 4 Vocabulary words
-- Final Drafts of Examples/Illustrations Essay
-- Adverbs Homework

Links for This Week
Class Notes 

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Prichard